The Garden Forager

What is Garden Foraging’? Well, generally we think of foraging as searching for edible wild plants, fungi, etc.
However, what many people don’t know is that many of the plants we grow in our gardens also have hidden qualities; many of them are edible, often deliciously so! Think of roses, firethorn, himalayan honeysuckle, fuchsias….there are lots and lots. image

The book – which you can buy from me via this site as well as from the usual outlets – was published in March 2015 and has been featured in Vogue, Gardens Illustrated, The English Garden and many other magazines and newspapers.

If you’d like me to take you on a tour of your own garden to investigate which plants might be full of hidden surprises, I charge £40 per hour plus travelling expenses. It’s a lovely way to spend an afternoon! I also take tours in gardens that are open to the public but this needs a little more planning.

You can contact me via the email address.
